I know that it seems way too early to hear from your District Secretary, but by action of the previous District Assembly our fiscal year comes to a close on January 31, 2017. Our District Assembly will be held April 23-24, 2017, at Palm City New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene, Palm City, Florida.
1. …that your church year end reports are reported in a timely fashion (by February 10th);
2. …that the ordained ministers (both elders and deacons) who are members of your church file a written report to the district assembly (please pass on the form Report of Ordained/Licensed Minister)
3. …that any applicants requesting a first time local/district ministers license complete the Request for Verification of Credential History.
4. …that any applicants for a first time District License or renewal of a District License, complete and submit the District Ministers’ License Application.
5. …that any applicants for ordination or recognition of orders, submit an Ordination/Recognition Questionnaire. Applicants for ordination must complete BOTH an Application for Renewal of District License, and an Ordination Questionnaire.
6. …that your local church board approves, and therefore recommends to the district (if the board indeed approves of them), any first time district license applicants, renewal of a license applicants, and ordination applicants, by using the Recommendation to the District Assembly form.
7. That you make your first-time applicants, renewal of license applicants, and ordination applications, aware of the Pastor Prep Days and stress the importance of their attending. Failure to attend may result in not granting or renewing of a license.
8. I would also remind you that as lead pastor you should set the tone for 100% participation in your district financial responsibilities. You have a little over a month to encourage your people to rise to the occasion of being part of the district team. Don’t wait until the last moment. Believe that you can give a report on behalf of your church that says “we have been faithful to God, and he has been faithful to us.”
To help you in your reporting, your completion of your “District Assembly Responsibility List,” I have attached the following forms and materials:
1. Annual Pastors Report (Worksheet ONLY – the APR MUST be completed online)
2. APR Instructions (Pastors, please note that on the APR, Evangelism Section, Line 16 you should put a “0”. The Southern Florida District does NOT have provision for Fellowship Members.)
3. Annual Report of Ordained Minister or Licensed Minister (not to be completed by lead pastors)
4. Church Certificate of Election of Assembly Delegates
5. Deceased Church Members List (Memoirs)
6. Church Directory Form
7. Request for Verification of Credential History.
8. District Ministers License Application (To be completed by licensed ministers seeking renewal, ordination, or those seeking a first-time license– not to be completed by ordained ministers). This application should be accompanied by the “Recommendation to the District Assembly” form when submitted to the District Secretary. So your church board action should be on your agenda for January 2017).
9. Ordination/Recognition Questionnaire (do not complete if you do not meet the qualifications outlined in the manual para. 532.3)
10. Recommendation to the District Assembly. Please be certain that all of your district-licensed persons receive the Recommendation to the District Assembly form in a timely manner. They will need to have all their forms to me no later than February 10. We will not interview an applicate if we do not have the local churches recommendation.
11. Manual Requirements for licensing and ordination
12. Form 2 (for divorced persons applying for a new district license)
13. Sample Church Page, for statistics and a brief pastor’s description of highlights
14. District Assembly Flyer
15. Pastors Prep Days and Board of Ministry Interview Flyer
16. Hotel and Restaurant Lists for District Assembly, provided by the host church
Information for District Assembly:
Helping Pastors With Their Annual Church Meeting
Pastors Countdown to District Assembly 2017
District Assembly Memo #1
DA Flyer 2017
Hotels 2017
Files for District Assembly:
Rem Divorce – FORM 2 2016-2017 (Word)
Rem Divorce – FORM 2 2016-2017 (PDF)
Annual’s Report Worksheet 2014 (PDF)
AnnualReportOfOrdainedMinisterOrLicensedMinisterEnglish (Word)
AnnualReportOfOrdainedMinisterOrLicensedMinisterEnglish (PDF)
ApplicationForDistrictMinistersLicenseEnglish (Word)
ApplicationForDistrictMinistersLicenseEnglish (PDF)
APR instructions 2016 (Word)
APR instructions 2016 (PDF)
Church Certificate of Election (PDF)
Church Certificate of Election (Word)
Church Directory (PDF)
Church Directory (Word)
Deceased Church Members (PDF)
Deceased Church Members (Word)
Manual Requirements 2013-2017 (Word)
Manual Requirements 2013-2017 (PDF)
OrdinationRecognitionQuestionnaireEnglish (Word)
OrdinationRecognitionQuestionnaireEnglish (PDF)
Recommendation to the District Assembly (PDF)
Recommendation to the District Assembly (Word)
VerificationCredentialHistoryRequestForm (PDF)
For questions please, contact Marsha Taylor at the district office at 863-531-0181 or Email Marsha Taylor For questions about credentials and the Board of Ministry interviews, contact Jim Spear Email Jim Spear. For questions about apportionments contact Vanessa Sackett at 863-531-0181 or Email Vanessa Sackett
Jim Spear,
District Secretary
Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 924311
Homestead, FL 33092