The Southern Florida District Board of Ministry exists to assist members of our local Nazarene churches who testify to a divine call to Christian Ministry, as they obediently respond to God’s leading in their lives. This Board is formed and operates a
ccording to Manual paragraphs 205.15 – 205.17 and 229 – 234.4.
The Board of Ministry is comprised of two distinct groups: The District Ministerial Credentials Board and the District Ministerial Studies Board. These boards work cooperatively to assist in the preparation, monitoring and assessing of ministerial candidates as they pursue credentialing in the Church of the Nazarene.
The District Ministerial Studies Board (Manual 232 – 234.4) may enroll students in a validated course of study, keep record of the studies of each individual, offer courses as it sees appropriate and necessary, make recommendations to the District Assembly and encourage Lifelong Learning for ministers.
The District Ministerial Credentials Board (Manual 231 – 231.4) is charged with processing applications it receives for ministerial credentialing, assessing the progress of the applicant in their studies and ministry experience, reviewing the testimony and character of the applicant, and making recommendation to the District Assembly for credentialing.
When a person believes God is calling them to pursue a vocation in Christian ministry, their first step should be to share this calling with the local pastor, who can give guidance and direction as to the next steps.
If you believe you have received such a call to Christian ministry, and have consulted with your local pastor, we then invite you to register that call with the Board of Ministry through the following link:
Click on the Link Below
You have questions, please contact Email Rebecca Garner or District Office Email.
Once you have registered your call with us, someone from the Board of Ministry will contact you and provide confirmation that you are registered, and will talk with you about how and when you may pursue or continue a validated course of study program.
It will be important for you to read Manual paragraphs 500-502.6 and 529 – 534.3, which deal with “Ministry and Christian Service.”
It will be necessary for you to include your pastor and local church in this process as you look for guidance in your call to ministry.
Three Steps in the Licensing Process
1. Local License (issued by the local church board at the recommendation of the pastor)
2. District License (identity either the elder or deacon track)
3. Ordination (as elder or deacon)
Applying for a District License and Scheduling an Interview with the Board of Ministry
Annually, the Board of Ministry meets to conduct interviews with those who have applied for a District Minister’s License and/or Ordination as an Elder or Deacon. Applications must be submitted as instructed my the District Secretary, in order to be considered for an interview. Applicants are also responsible for providing records of the ministerial studies they have completed during the year.

At the bottom of this page you will find the district application forms. Kindly download and complete the appropriate forms and submit them electronically to Email Rebecca Garner . It will be acceptable to type your name in the signature line.
For credential matters, if you have questions please contact the District Office. District Office Email
For ministerial studies matters, if you have questions please contact Rev. Rebecca Garner, Secretary of the Ministerial Studies Board Email Rebecca Garner
Interview Preparation
Every year the District Board of Ministry meets to interview each of those who apply for a District License or Ordination. After being granted their first District License, a student has a ten-year window to complete the required courses for ordination. The annual interview is designed to assess a student’s progress in terms of ministerial studies and experience, their theological understanding, their testimony and their gifts and graces, among other things. A candidate would do well to annually review the appropriate sections of the Manual regarding the Articles of Faith and Ministry and Christian Service, as well as to review what they have learned regarding the doctrine of holiness and the polity of the Church of the Nazarene. They should be prepared to discuss what they discovered since the last interview regarding their call, their gifts, and the focus of their ministry.
Background Checks for Ministry Students and Ministry Credential Applicants
Background checks are required on all those applying for ministerial status and all those enrolled in a validated course of study program for ministry. Please download and complete the required background check form. These forms should be mailed be to:
Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene
312 S Old Dixie Hwy Ste 111
Jupiter, Florida 33458-7489
Communicating with the Board of Ministry
If you have any questions for the Board of Ministry, you may submit them here:
Click on the Link Below
Reports and Other Information
Educational Links