Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene
The Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene is pleased to invite you to a grand celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the District’s ministry! This celebration will take place in conjunction with the 50th District Assembly and Conventions to be held March 30 through April 1, 2023 at the Palm City New Hope Church of the Nazarene.
The address of the venue: Palm City New Hope Church, 3900 SW Citrus Blvd., Palm City, FL 34990
The schedule for the weekend is as follows:
Thursday evening at 5:00 PM registration will begin. Every local church pastor should pick up the packets for their delegation from the registration table.
The District NDI (Nazarene Discipleship International, formerly SDMI) will hold its convention from 6-8 PM. Come dressed casually, as the theme will be that of outdoor camping! Eat dinner on the road before you arrive, but we will have S’mores and more waiting for you at the church! It is going to be a fun evening, planned by Rev Chuck Russ and the NDI Council. Our special speaker will be Dr. Dan Boone, president of Trevecca Nazarene University.
Friday morning registration at 8:00 AM the district family will gather for worship, with General Superintendent Dr. Eugenio Duarte bringing a message from the Lord for the people of God! This will be Dr. Duarte’s final Assembly with us, as he prepares to retire at the General Assembly in June 2023 in the city of Indianapolis.
The 50th District Assembly will then formally convene and District Superintendent Dr. Brian E. Wilson will present his 9th Annual DS Report at 10:30 AM, including an update from our Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center by Executive Director Anthony Haney.
Delegates will break for lunch at local restaurants and then reconvene at 2:00 PM to continue with Assembly business.
After a dinner break, we will gather again at 7:00 PM for the District NMI (Missions) Convention. District NMI President Diana Rambarran and her Council have prepared an inspirational service with special speaker Rev. Carlos de la Cruz, Field Strategy Coordinator for the Central Field of the Mesoamerica Region. Join us as we explore ways of partnering missionally on the Southern Florida District and around the world!
On Saturday morning, the District NYI (Youth) will hold a brief Convention, organized by Rev. Jose Orama and the NYI Council, and then we will move immediately into our special 50th Anniversary Celebration Service at 10:00 AM.
The 50th Anniversary Service will include special speaker, Dr. Stan Reeder, Regional Director for the USA/Canada Region. District Superintendents Emeriti, Dr. David Nixon and Dr. Byron Schortinghouse will be with us, as well as TNU President Dr. Dan Boone and also representatives from NTS and NBC.
Throughout the weekend, video clips and personal testimonials highlighting the 50 years of Mission Partnership will be presented. You will be amazed and inspired at the faithfulness of our God!
Following the Anniversary Celebration Service, we will enjoy lunch on the grounds together, with some wonderful catered food representing some of our cultures on the district. A donation box will be available to help cover the cost, but there is no charge for lunch.
At 1:00 PM, the Sacred Service of Ordination will commence, with 7 ordination candidates being presented for ordination by the general superintendent this year. The Assembly gathering will conclude at the end of the ordination service.
Every year we come prepared to give an offering from our churches and personally to a significant missional cause. This year, the Offering Challenge is to raise $100,000 toward and Endowment to help our children attend summer camps. Once we reach the goal of $100,000, it will be matched to establish a $200,000 Endowment, which will provide $10,000 in scholarships every year in perpetuity! In 2025 the Offering Challenge will be for the NYI Youth Endowment, and in 2026 it will be for the NMI Missions Endowment. With over 100 churches on the district, if every church would contribute $1,000 we would reach our goal each year. Some churches can give more. Come prepared to help us reach this goal!
Make plans now to attend this special gathering! Hotel rooms are still available.
See you at Palm City New Hope Fellowship Church on Thursday, March 30!
District Assembly Schedule
Thursday, March 30
5:00 – Registration Opens
6:00 – 8:00 – NDI Convention
Friday, March 31
8:00 — Registration Continues
9:00 – District Assembly Worship
10:00 – District Assembly Business
10:30 – District Superintendent’s Report
12:00 – Lunch on Your Own
2:00 – 5:00 – Assembly Business
5:00 – Dinner Break
7:00 – 9:00 – District NMI Missions Service
Saturday, April 1
8:00 NYI Registration
9:00 – 10:00 – NYI Convention
10:00 – 11:30 – 50th Anniversary Celebration Service
11:30 – Lunch on the Grounds
1:00 – 3:00 – Ordination Service
3:00 – Adjournment
Other Information