The Southern Florida MissionaryLINKS provides a means for each of our churches to adopt and “personally” become involved to an assigned missionary for two years. We have assigned an active missionary family and a retired missionary to each church.
We provide missionary background and contact information to our churches. We strongly encourage each church to keep in contact with their assigned missionaries. We have also made some basic suggestions on minimum contributions, which can be given to the missionary for their personal expenses. We encourage our churches to remember these missionaries and their children during birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other occasions throughout the year.
We encourage our churches to provide information to their congregation about the missionaries through Sunday morning verbal and on-screen presentations. We encourage a bulletin board to be devoted to the missionary families – with additional photos that you secure. Some missionaries can do live “Skype” type video/TV presentations on Sundays or other times.
To determine which missionaries have been assigned to your church click on the “MissionaryLINKS Assignment” document included with this information. Once you know which missionaries are assigned to your church, then click on the information about each missionary. The information is provided in English, Spanish and French.
All assigned offerings and other offerings (i.e., birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc.) should be sent directly to the General Treasurer through a check made payable to the “Nazarene General Treasurer”. Send checks and identifying information (Missionary names) to: General Treasurer, P.O. Box 843116, Kansas City, MO 64184-3116. For churches with online capabilities, contributions can be made at:
If you have questions about the MissionaryLINKS program, please contact District NMI Missionary LINKS Coordinator.