Missionary Tour Schedule 2013
Southern Florida District
Nazarene Missions International

Sunday, Feb. 10 AM – Sarasota First
Sunday, Feb. 10 PM – Venice
Monday, Feb. 11 PM Personal Family Day – Naples
Tuesday, Feb. 12 – PM Naples New Haitian
Wednesday, Feb. 13 PM – Ft. Pierce
Thursday, Feb. 14 PM Miami Calvary (Valentine Banquet)
Friday, Feb. 15 PM West Palm Beach Maranatha
Saturday, Feb. 16 Hispanic Mission Congress (Ft. Lauderdale First)
Sunday, Feb. 17 AM Ft. Myers First
Sunday, Feb. 17 PM – Lehigh Acres
We always encourage the people of Southern Florida to attend the service when a missionary is in your area. Call the church or pastor hosting the missionaries for more information on service times.
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