March 30th-April 3rd, 2022

TNT stands for Top Nazarene Talent. The event brings over 1500 Nazarene youth and their church sponsors together to participate in a variety of special competitive events on Trevecca’s campus.
In its 36th year, TNT is a year-long program of the Southeast Field NYI (Nazarene Youth International). Its purpose is to give youth from across the Southeast United States an opportunity to develop and devote their talents, abilities, and gifts to be used for Jesus Christ.
– Minimum age: Must be in 6th grade and at least 11 years of age by 9/1/21 to compete in TNT@TNU 2022.
– Maximum age: Currently attending, and not graduated from high school prior to the beginning of the school year in which they compete. Participants must not have reached their 20th birthday by the date of the field event. (Seniors who finish course work in mid-year still remain eligible through the current year.)
– TNT brings over 1500 Nazarene youth and their church sponsors together to participate in a variety of special competitive events on Trevecca’s campus in the heart of Nashville, TN.
– TOP NAZARENE TALENT is a vehicle by which talent can be developed, channeled, and used for Jesus. Students are in a tug-of-war; the world wants their talents, their very lives – and so does God! We must be diligent to provide the quality of opportunities for personal development that challenge youth to their fullest potential, realizing that when they do so IN CHRIST, the rewards and fulfillment have eternal significance that the world cannot offer. There is no room in the Kingdom for half-heartedness in the cloak of false humility – we must urge our Students to reach for the stars because they know the One who made them!

This year transportation to Trevecca will be different than in past years. We will are encouraging our local church to join together in transporting our students to Nashville. Again We will not be chartering buses this year. Please contact Pastor Jose Orama if you are willing to drive a church Van.
Register Online:
(Click Below)
Payment Information & Deadlines:
The last deadline to pay for TNT@TNU (without a late fee) is March 13th, 2022, PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED by Pastor Jose Orama ON OR BEFORE March 13th, to not be charged a Late Fee of $15. *All final payments MUST BE RECEIVED by our Event Director Pastor Jose Orama no later than March 13th we will not be accepting payments on the travel day when we are boarding the bus for the event thank you.
TNT@TNU Total amount due ($285) This does not include travel. We are encouraging churches to join together in order to get our students to Nashville.
Checks should be made payable to Southern Florida District NYI.
Mailed Checks to:
Pastor Jose Orama
210 Lee Blvd
Lehigh Acres Florida 33936
Please contact Pastor Jose Orama at 239-994-1966
Email Pastor Jose Orama at Email Pastor Jose
Other Information: